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About Us


Our mission at the Read2Rise Academy is to provide unparalleled guidance and support to students who seek admission to top UK colleges, universities, and institutes.

We strive to facilitate the application, acceptance, and enrolment processes by offering comprehensive services that cater to the unique needs of each student.

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Our goal

is to empower students to make informed decisions about their academic future, and to assist them in achieving their full potential by connecting them with the best educational opportunities available. Through our commitment to excellence, professionalism, and personalized service, we aim to be the leading educational consulting firm in the UK, and to help students reach their academic and career goals.

Our target

is to create a world where students from all backgrounds can access high-quality educational resources and opportunities – the same as those in more developed countries. By leveraging technology, expertise, and a commitment to excellence, we aim to be the leading provider of educational consulting services in the MENA region and beyond, and to empower students to reach their full potential, and thus contribute to the betterment of society.

Our vision

Read2Rise Academy is to break down barriers to quality western higher education, making it accessible to students in the MENA region and beyond.


branches all over world

We have been counselling students for educational opportunities in Foreign countries. Fusce non mi at nisl laoreet pretium. Nulla ut elementum sapien an pulvinar augue.

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